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Hi-Fidelity and ACA use video to build qualified interest.

If a picture shares a thousand words, a moving picture shares a thousand stories.  How many potential exhibitors or attendees has your organization engaged, only to narrowly miss the opportunity to close them on attendance or exhibition?

When the Society of Clinical Research Sites  completed their 2016 Site Solutions Summit, they had enjoyed a successful event:  record attendance, record exhibits, attendee momentum, and word of mouth marketing that was sharing the value of the meeting within industry sectors.  It was great, but there was still dozens of clients who missed the event.  SCRS focuses on great relationships, and the success of their event was contagious, but was it enough to capture the attention of the folks on the outside?  Those who considered the investment, but did not exhibit or attend this past year?

The sales team wanted a quick, unique approach with these potential clients and turned to ACA Video  to help convey the mission of the meeting, the exclusivity of the attendees, and the value of participating.  The result was the Summit Sizzle Reel . The objective of the video was to share a taste of the meeting with potential exhibitors and attendees, with the source material coming from attendees themselves.  A million views would be great, but we don’t have Taylor Swift or Bruno Mars on retainer.  Instead, SCRS positions the video with qualified leads that have not attended or those that might just be considering if 2017 was the year they made the investment.  The result has been an exhibit hall sell-out, and attendance approaching records numbers yet again.  The video compliments a meeting with great culture and a focus on outcomes.

Leveraging video in your exhibit or attendee sales effort can be a critical component to sharing the personality of your meeting.  Sales might be the distant goal, but far before you make the sale,  converting hearts and minds can be powerful currency.  A video can do this on any size budget, and lead to great opportunities to think outside of your sales materials.  Instead of sending an exhibitor prospectus, share an attendee testimonial or showcase a successful exhibitor.  Not sure where to start?  Ask your videographer what a great beginning-middle-end might look like, and think how that outline might fit into your sales efforts.